The Unseen Hand with Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
As we go through life facing this world of woe and worry, we can rest assured that there is a hand guiding us and leading us to glory. The Unseen Hand is the perfect Southern Gospel ballad arranged and orchestrated by Marty Hamby. A gentle reminder of God’s faithfulness, this anthem calls us to place our trust in the One who will always keep us safe and secure.

Flute 1 & 2; Oboe; Clarinet 1 & 2; Horn 1 & 2; Trumpet 1; Trumpet 2 & 3; Trombone 1 & 2; Trombone 3 / Tuba; Percussion; Rhythm; Harp; Violin 1 & 2; Viola; Cello/Bassoon; String Bass
Substitute Parts
Soprano Sax (Sub. for Oboe); Alto Sax 1 & 2 (Sub. for Horn 1 & 2); Tenor Sax/Baritone T. C. (Sub. for Trombone 1 & 2); Bari Sax (Sub. for Trombone 3); Clarinet (Sub. for Viola); Bass Clarinet (Sub. for Cello/Bassoon); Keyboard String Reduction