Live Love!
Having worked together for years as writers, editors, and directors of children's music, Pamela Vandewalker and Cherry Garasi felt the need for quality, age appropriate musical presentations for preschoolers. Live LOVE! is a result of that idea and it presents one of the strongest spiritual concepts anyone can ever learn. This musical presentation outlines the idea that truly, love is a verb". By teaching children that we show love to others in the way we live and the things we do and say, we are pointing them toward a relationship with God through His son, Jesus - the One who teaches us to love one another.
Because the subject matter of this musical is "love", this music program can be used at any time of year, but would be especially suited for a February (or Valentine's) performance. Suggestions for sharing this musical in your church, school, or community are included in this book.
Our prayer is that, as you teach Live LOVE!, you and your children will have a happy experience with music making. But, more importantly, we hope the ideas of God loving us and the importance of loving each other will be instilled in the hearts and minds of your preschoolers.
Includes PDF of book and MP3s of demo recording.
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