Great Big Praise for a Great Big God, Book 1

117 Fun, Exciting, Singable Songs for Younger Children
Compiled by: Tom Fettke, Ken Bible
Edited by: Tom Fettke
Voicing:  Unison
Release Date: April 1, 2001
  • 117 praise songs, choruses, and children's favorites, all in one book
  • For kids preschool through third grade
  • Songs are divided by topic for easy reference.
  • Book includes both alphabetical and topical indexes
  • Features a wide variety of general and seasonal themes.
  • Many songs include motions and activities for children.
  • The flexible and easy to use songbook format includes melody, words, piano accompaniment, and chord symbols.
  • Wire-ring bound
  • All 117 songs are recorded on cassettes and CDs in a split-channel format, useful for listening, sing-along, or accompaniment.
  • Hear 25 Best of Great Big Praise Book 1 on stereo cassette or CD.
Listen to selected audio samples from this work on-line. Scroll down to Audio Previews.
Grouped product items
Order ID Description Price Notes Format Qty
MB-853 Great Big Praise for a Great Big God, Book 1 - Book
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DC-9304 25 Best Of Great Big Praise, Book 1 - Listening CD
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DC-9304PK 25 Best Of Great Big Praise, Book 1 - Bulk CDs
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DC-9304S Great Big Praise for a Great Big God, Book 1 - Split-Channel CD
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MD-492 Great Big Praise for a Great Big God, Book 1 - CD/Book Combo
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Friends Love One Another
God Gave Us a Special Book
God Made the Animals
Happy Hallelujah Christmas Song
He Is the King of Kings
How Did Moses Cross the Red Sea?
I'm So Wonderfully Made
Joy from Head to Toe
Say to the Lord, I Love You
Sing Hallelujah!
Lillenas Music