New from Cliff Duren is this anthem of assurance and healing called Here. This driving ballad of reflection is a light of hope for everyone, reminding us that even though we come to Him broken and empty, He meets us here where we are and fills us. Use this anthem for your choir to lead your congregation into a time of meditation, inviting Jesus to come in and be all He is.

Flute 1 & 2; Oboe; Clarinet 1 & 2; Horn 1 & 2; Trumpet 1; Trumpet 2 & 3; Trombone 1 & 2; Trombone 3 / Tuba; Percussion; Rhythm; Harp; Violin 1 & 2; Viola; Cello/Bassoon; String Bass
Substitute Parts
Soprano Sax (Sub. for Oboe); Alto Sax 1 & 2 (Sub. for Horn 1 & 2); Tenor Sax/Baritone T. C. (Sub. for Trombone 1 & 2); Bari Sax (Sub. for Trombone 3); Clarinet (Sub. for Viola); Bass Clarinet (Sub. for Cello/Bassoon); Keyboard String Reduction