The Power of the Cross

Arranged by: Dennis and Nan Allen
Orchestrated by: Dave Williamson
Words and Music by: Stuart Townend, Keith Getty
Voicing:  SATB
Release Date: February 1, 2018
Death is crushed to death/Life is mine to live/This the power of the cross." With words and music by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, this arrangement by Dennis Allen is a powerful reminder of the gift we have been given through the cross of Christ.

Instrumentation: Flute 1 & 2, Oboe, Clarinet 1 & 2, Horn 1 & 2, Trumpet 1, Trumpet 2 & 3, Trombone 1 & 2, Trombone 3, Percussion, Rhythm, Violin 1 & 2, Viola, Cello/Bassoon
Substitute Parts: Soprano Sax (Sub. for Oboe); Alto Sax (Sub. for Horn 1 & 2); Tenor Sax/Baritone TC (Sub. for Trombone 1 & 2); Bari Sax (Sub. for Trombone 3); Clarinet (Sub. for Viola); Bass Clarinet (Sub. for Cello/Bassoon); Keyboard String Reduction

Skill Level: Moderate"
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9780834185456 The Power of the Cross - Anthem
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765762192928 The Power of the Cross - Accomp. CD With Stereo, Split-Channel, & Demo
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17339 The Power of the Cross - Downloadable Split-channel Trax
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17340 The Power of the Cross - Downloadable Stereo Trax
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17341 The Power of the Cross - Downloadable Orchestration
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The Power of the Cross
Lillenas Music