Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone

An Easter Celebration of Worship for Congregation and Choir
Created by: Dennis and Nan Allen
Voicing:  SATB
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Release Date: September 3, 2007
Worship Leader Magazine Review
Lovers of acoustic-flavored, guitar driven worship will want to consider this collection of songs from the likes of Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman and other contemporary worship leaders. The Allens weave several of the songs into blended-worship medleys based on particular themes (e.g., How Can I Keep from Singing?" is joined with the hymn "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story" and the chorus "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever"). Other nice features include simple but effective narration, rendered by the worship leader (with two optional storytellers). Keeping the narration short (and utilizing familiar songs) allows for the collection to be presented more as a worship concert than a performance, therefore fostering more audience participation than is often the case in a choral musical. The production notes also give instructions for an optional communion service that can be incorporated into the mix.

A worship experience effective for Easter and services throughout the year. With songs from Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, and Third Day like "How can I Keep from Singing," "Amazing Grace—My Chains are Gone" and "Communion," this music inspires true worship from choir and congregation. The narration includes testimonies from John Newton and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which express the message of freedom we have in Christ. There is also an opportunity to share communion (appropriate music included in the book).
Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone Preview Podcast: Lillenas Product Developer George Baldwin talks to Dennis and Nan Allen about their new Easter musical. Music previews are included. To download this MP3 file (53.2MB) Click Here.
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765762089822 Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone - Split-Channel Accomp CD
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765762089921 Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone - Stereo Accomp CD
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765762090026 Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone - Rehearsal CDs
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765762146907 Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone - Orchestration (CD-ROM)
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How Can I Keep from Singing w/ I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
You Chose the Cross (Lost in Wonder)
Who Is There Like You?
Nothing but the Blood
Narration 4
Amazing Grace w/ Amazing Grace - My Chains Are Gone & Grace Flows Down
Narration 5
Amazing Grace - My Chains Are Gone (Reprise 1)
The Power of the Cross
Communion w/ Jesus Paid It All
See What a Morning (Resurrection Hymn)
My Heart Is Filled
Amazing Grace - My Chains Are Gone (Reprise 2) w/ How Can I Keep...
Lillenas Music