A Rockin' Royal Christmas

A Higher Calling to a Higher King
Arranged by: David T. Clydesdale
Created by: Celeste Clydesdale
Voicing:  Unison/2-Part
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Release Date: April 21, 2012

Action-packed drama, complete with investigations, mystery, travel and, oh yes - royalty"; songs that are catchy and fun with tracks that "rock," and a spiritual concept at the heart of it all, Celeste Clydesdale has done it, again! This is Celeste's first musical for LillenasKids and she has brought every strength she has to this kids' Christmas musical that tells the story of Christmas in a brand new way. When King Herod sends Sherlock Watson to find out why the kings from the East did not return to him, we discover, along with Sherlock, that Jesus is the "King of kings" and if we believe in Him, we answer to a higher calling than to any king on earth. Professional choreography by Judith Burns, and a new and improved Director's Resource written and designed by Sarah Harris complete the perfect package for A Rockin' Royal Christmas. Your kids will love the music and story, you will be thrilled to have the teaching helps and materials, and your audience or congregation will be touched and moved by this presentation. Don't miss this! Make yours...A Rockin' Royal Christmas.

Songs include: A Rockin' Royal Christmas with the King! • Bring Them to Me • Take a Look Inside • Unforgettable, Incredible Not So Silent Night! with Angels We Have Heard on High • When the Little Baby Boy Was Born • A Wise Man's Life for Me! • If I Knew Then • A Higher Calling to a Higher King with I Have Decided to Follow Jesus • A Rockin' Royal Christmas with the King! (Reprise)

Director's Resource: Includes a CD-ROM of PDF lesson plans, additional production and organizational materials. DVD elements include a live demonstration performance, demonstration of movements and choreography and accompaniment video for "A Wise Man's Life for Me""

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A Rockin' Royal Christmas with the King
Bring Them to Me
Take a Look Inside
Unforgettable, Incredible, Not So Silent Night
When the Little Baby Boy Way Born
A Wise Man's Life for Me
If I Knew Then
A Higher Calling to a Higher King
Finale Underscore
A Rockin' Royal Christmas (Reprise)
Lillenas Music