Christmas Mosaic
From the stately, opening proclamation found in the Fanfare for the Messiah to the soaring melody of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, the audience is reminded of the dark days of anguish for ancient Israel which ended with birth of the Messiah. The work continues with the beautiful standard, Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus building into a celebratory choral proclamation followed by the soft refrains of Of the Father's Love Begotten. Culminating in a wonderful worship medley of Come Celebrate Jesus with Joy to the World, this work is sure to become a congregational favorite. Masterfully arranged and orchestrated by Marty Parks, this 40-minute Advent and Christmas presentation is perfect for the small or medium-sized choir!
Additional songs featured include: O Little Town of Bethlehem; Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring; Emmanuel, God with Us; How Great Our Joy! and many others.
The format, usefulness, and flexibility provides you with several unique programming options for your use including:
- Choose to use the book as a collection for Sunday Worship during Advent and throughout the Christmas season.
- The songs may be used individually as you program a concert, pageant or a Singing Christmas Tree.
- A Christmas Eve service is available that includes several choral settings